
Getting to tear open the mound of gifts sitting under the Christmas tree is definitely the highlight of any child’s Christmas morning. The look of delight and pure joy on their face when they receive something they love is absolutely priceless. However, as parents it can be difficult to figure out what your kids really want without asking them, making it difficult to keep your Christmas gift under wraps. Here is the list of the most popular toys this season for those who want to surprise their little tots on Christmas day!


Fur Real Friends

This is the perfect toy to pacify your little one that has been begging you for a new pet. The FurReal Pax My Poopin Pup Toy behaves just like a real puppy — requiring walking, feeding and even cleaning up! Teach your child the responsibility of caring for a pet before committing to one.

Robot Trains 

Fight evil with the heroes from Robot Trains! This popular kids series is set in a world where all its citizens are trains. The Robot Trains Kay Station Playset features protagonist Kay, the fastest train in the world. Assemble the train tracks in a variety of ways and watch Kay go! made chilli instead!

Baby Alive

The Sweet Spoonfuls Baby Doll requires feeding and diaper changing, allowing kids to learn a new aspect of child care. This is a great toy to help prepare your kids for the new baby coming along!

Besides these adorable toys, check out more exciting gifts at our Christmas Fantasy Toy Fair
happening now to Tue 25 Dec 2018!